Thou art my Beloved,
The most lovely Beloved,
My heart and my soul are
Seeking after Thee;
Thou art my Beloved,
The most lovely Beloved,
My heart I open wide to Thee.

Because only love can keep us in the proper relationship with You, Lord, we therefore declare: We love You Lord Jesus! You are the most lovely and lovable one in the entire universe! You are our Beloved. As the hart longs for water so our heart longs to drink of You as the River whose streams gladden God’s house! Amen, Lord, You are our only source, our only satisfaction. Apart from You all other things are vanity of vanities and a chasing after wind. Everything else leaves us dry. Lord we no longer want to continue feeding on the husks around us. We long to be satisfied with the fatness of Your house.

Lord Jesus, we love You. We love the church, we never want to leave this beautiful place. Oh, Lord Jesus! Have mercy on us Lord, that we would be those remaining in You and in Your house all the days of our lives. And even more Lord – make us building and buildable members of the Body! Lord, we want this highest virtue – being buildable! Lord, You measure us by the building – have mercy on us and make us such people. Not scattered stones, but stones fully built into Your house. Build us in until we become the overcomers, the pillars fully built into Your house that can never go out again. Oh Lord Jesus! You long for Your house to be built up and for Your bride to be prepared! We love You Lord, and our one desire is that You would be satisfied. Oh Lord, we only want Your smile!

About Stefan Misaras

Born of the divine life, we are now learning to live not by ourselves but by the divine life within, living a life together with God! My name is Stefan Misaras, and I am a God-man - a man with the divine life in my spirit, learning to cooperate with the Lord to allow the divine life to spread into every part of my being! Also, just like my fellow believers, I am a slave of God, learning to listen to Him and be one with Him to do what He wants me to do - in the Body of Christ.

2 responses »

  1. […] Oh Lord Jesus! A new morning to touch Your new mercies. Dear Lord, how much we need You as our life and life supply to make it through just one day! Oh Lord… forgive us, precious Lord, for straying from You so easily. Lord Jesus! We just choose to turn our heart back to You – oh merciful Lord! We turn to You to touch Your fresh compassions,  Your sweet grace. Lord – You alone are the balm that heals all our wounds and the healing rays of warm sun that bring peace, joy and contentment to our life. Oh Lord, You are the most precious One. […]

  2. […] Loving You, Lord, is all I’m living for! Loving You to the uttermost – loving You with all my heart! Oh, Lord, forgive me if I’ve left my first love – that’s the bridal love for You! You are more than anyone I love. Lord, You are more to me than anything I have – even my dear self, NOTHING can compare to You, my Beloved Bridegroom! I just give You the first place in all things by faith… […]

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